Love a Bluebird?
Since December, this big round ball we live on has been tilting us back toward longer warmer days. Yes friends, it's time to break ourselves out of the hibernation of winter, get out and enjoy the warmth of the sun. If you check out the weather forecast we have some glorious bluebird days on the way following the featherlight 35cm of stellars that fell the last few days.*
And so the transition into some of the best skiing of the year begins thanks to a deep base, longer ski days, BBQs and beverages on the deck with family, old friends and new friends. The daylight saving change on March 10, 2019 marks the official shift into spring ski hours and Whitewater lifts will switch to:
Silver King Chair: 9:15am to 4:00pm Summit Chair: 9:15am to 3:30pm Hummer Handle Tow: 9:15am to 3:30pm Glory Ridge Chair: 9:30am to 3:15pm
Be sure to switch your pow alarms accordingly and come on up to appreciate every precious day that remains of this ski season. Whether the days be pow days, groomer days, bomber days or—my personal fav—bluebird days, they all be ski days!
*For backcountry venturers be sure to check the conditions. Bluebird days make for great touring but there can be surprises lurking below the surface like the one described last week here.