The Whitewater Experience
Whitewater is renowned for its snowfall, and its great backcountry. Time is flying by, January and early February have delivered and stoke is high up at the hill. This season has already been one for the books.
Skiing the mystical white forests of Whitewater is an experience that is unlike any other. The quiet, soft swish of the snow under your feet, catching glimpses of your friends flying through next to you and hooting and hollering as you all have the run of your life, again, and again. Rewind, and repeat.
??Soul Skiing??is a term that has recently woven its way into my skiing vocabulary. Lars, the lifty who migrated to here straight out of Lake Tahoe introduced it to me and now I can?? stop thinking about it. Skiing only for the true enjoyment that comes out of it, not to impress anyone nor for the scene that can so often revolve around it. I guess he?? had an epiphany at Whitewater ?? he?? found his true winter experience.
I guess all of us who work up at the hill have found our true winter experience at Whitewater, I know I have. So thanks Ullr to bringing a true winter for us over the past couple of months, and no ?? we are not ready for spring just yet!